Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Tree elves harvest

 I love adding organic items to my mini scenes. Here are some berries the tree elves have been gathering from my garden. The light on the table was made by Jim and Linda Orleff. The wire was run through a small hole I drilled in the center of the tabl. Then I made a tiny...

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Dollhouse mirror kit

 I finally placed the shaving mirror I always envisioned on the dresser in my farm house. Ii was a kit by McQueen Miniatures I found a few years ago. I was a very easy to assemble kit and went together beautifully. I staine and varnished ...

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tree Elf House in the Evening

When fall approaches I am always drawn to my elf tree house. So I took some evening shots to share. At work I always have to reject beautiful night shots with only the lights on because they just don’t print well on paper and my client prefers crisp inviting photography for...

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Commenting issues

Hello all! It has been so quiet as far as comments, but luckily Jodi Hippler from my-miniaturemadness let me know she couldn’t comment! If you are having trouble leaving a comment on this blog or another be sure to clear your cache & cookies. I have been reading that the latest Google Chrome creates commenting issues on Blogger so I cleared...

Little things

 A while ago Charlene, maker of sent me this photo from her studio. I was going to post it on Instagram but time kept slipping by and now IG has disabled both my old account and my newer one. So I thought it would be better to have it here!Charlene...

Monday, October 18, 2021

Miniature kits

I finally got a collection of kits I’ve had for a year finished! Does anyone else have a stack of kits? I bet you do! The 1:24 wood kits are by Red Cottage Miniatures. I LOVE her pieces! Still need to paint or stain them.I also have her Black Walnut Cottage just waiting...

Sunday, October 17, 2021

1:12 sculpted doll

 A beautiful 1:12 doll sculpted by Iris Bodenbender. I wigged and dressed her, but Iris made those sweet tiny leather shoes. She is perfect in my Gothic Revival room b...

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Miniature pumpkin plant

I wanted to share a tutorial for my wonderful followers! It’s Halloween and anything is possible. I made this fun pumpkin-like plant that has come to life and is hungry.This one is a little fussy, but still fun to make.Here are all the materials and tools you will need:Materials:Sculpy...