Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tree Elf House in the Evening

When fall approaches I am always drawn to my elf tree house. So I took some evening shots to share. At work I always have to reject beautiful night shots with only the lights on because they just don’t print well on paper and my client prefers crisp inviting photography for their readers. 

But online, they are perfection! There is so much mystery and the shadows bring out textures and create a cozy atmosphere.

The tub was purchased and aged. It was very inexpensive from the fairy garden section. All other furniture was made from scratch.

Instead of stairs they have ladders through holes to each floor. Those tree elves are quick climbers and have excellent balance!
A peek inside the bedroom. The dresser was made from scratch. This scale is just a little smaller than 1:12.
I love that armchair! It was a joy to make and now I need to try and make it in 1:24 scale for a house I have been working on for American Miniaturist magazine. It will be a fun tutorial.
Granny's room is my favorite. Tree elves joke about gnomes and I am sure the gnomes joke about tree elves but when push comes to shove they live in harmony. As you can see a little gnome door weight holds Granny's door open.

The spool of thread was my fathers. He was the son of a tailor so he would purchase fabric while in England on business. Then bring it home and have his tailor make his suits. He had a large collection of buttons and would always repair them if they were loose. He also ended up meeting and bringing my mother to the states from England and then they had me!

The pantry in the kitchen is still empty. So here is where I could use some help. What sort of things should I fill it with? Tree elves live in our world (They are 4-5" tall). They eat natural foods that they forage. They do have a hummingbird nest on their roof so eggs are a great treat. I just have to imagine what they would have on hand and in what sort of containers. Any ideas?

HERE is a postson the stove and cupboard on my old blog.  And HERE is a post showing the structure.


  1. What an adorable house. Would the elves use acorns as canisters? I love the story about how your dad went to England and came back with some suit fabric and your mother.

    1. They use the acorn cups as bowls, but I think they would eat the acorn.:) They do have potters and silversmiths and such. I could have more ceramic canisters in there. Maybe cotton pouches full of herbs? Bees wax candles, placemats, a tray of my creativity is flowing! Thank you Sherrill!

  2. There are so many fun details to enjoy here, Auralea! What a delightful project to revisit! As for filling the pantry, it might be fun to imagine that elves are gluten sensitive, so many of their foods could be made with rice products. They might have goat milk and goat cheese, mushrooms, a variety of root vegetables, some canned, some fresh. I don't imagine that they go in for killing, except for trolls, so they might not have meats in the pantry but would definitely have troll oil. :O)

  3. Haha gluten sensitive. I love it! Oh mushrooms! Good one! I would have to be chunks of a mushroom unless they found very tiny ones which is possible. No milk, unless they swipe some from a local human's house. A goat would be too big to milk :) Thank you for your fun ideas!
