Saturday, April 6, 2024

Dollhouse modern farmhouse


This was my first modern farm house roof, which is actually one of my favorite things about my new full-scale home!

Here is a shot of my full-scale home just as we moved in. This was such a difficult time for us. My boyfriend went in for open heart surgery to repair an aortic aneurysm and I had a car accident right after I visited him in the hospital. Then I had to move both our things into the new home on the day he came home from the hospital! His recovery is going well and we are still settling in three months later. 

But this mini farmhouse build happened months before all of that, so let’s get back to it!

The entire exterior was first covered in white mat board and trimmed, then painted white.

I used black mat board to help the painting process go a bit quicker for the roof. I installed the two big pieces and then installed the corner roofs and covered them. Then I trimmed everything and added the roof lines. 

Everything was painted black and varnished. This is when the house came to life!  

Then I built the rail with a crisscross design that had the charm of a farm fence. And the outside steps were added with a hiding place under them for the electric. The birdhouse acts as a knob to help remove the magnetic panel. I installed lights under the stair rail.  Next I will share the base...


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