Saturday, April 6, 2024

Dollhouse tile and pavers

 Hello again! Today I will be sharing the Sweet Honey Cottage veranda and walkway construction.

I thought a honeycomb tile design would be perfect for the upstairs veranda. I covered the floor with wood glue and rolled out paper clay and installed it up there. I stamped out the design while it was still wet but forgot that if you cut too deep in paper clay it will pull apart as it dries because it shrinks. There was a lot of patching to do as it dried. 

I have learned over the years that when things don;t go as planned to just roll with it and remember these things will give your project character. The most important thing is to NOT panic and use the mistakes to your advantage. Take time to carefully consider how to recover in a way that will add to your project.

I wanted to share the pavers kerfuffle because I had a lot of trouble there, too. They pulled and stretched as the clay dried and were not perfect rectangles anymore. It was way too distracting to the eye so I decided to glue mat board on top of them and then faux paint them. I am SO much happier with the end result. Now it looks clean and your eye doesn’t get stuck on them, and is free to look around the front garden. Then the small pebbles framed them beautifully!


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