Friday, December 24, 2021

Antique Dollhouse

I wish you all a magical holiday season! A big thank you to all that have been following this new blog and to all that have been following me for so many years through my other 2 blogs.This next year will be filled with many more projects and experiments!My 1920s Schoenhut...

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

A dollhouse fireplace from mat board

 This is a great way to get a custom fireplace in any design.First, I cut the two curved sides after drawing a template on paper and tracing it onto mat board.Above you can see I also cut the top front and side pieces.Once you decide on your width, cut a spacer and glue...

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dollhouse room box windows and door

This room box has become an experimental project for me. While making my stone cottage I found a cool Golden product that was basically fine sand in a gel medium. So when I put it on the entrance addition of the stone cottage it looked like coarse stucco. It was very expensive,...