Thursday, August 19, 2021

French Stone Cottage

Now that the Timber Cabin is finished and sold, it's time to get back to the French Stone Cottage! This is the project that injured my rotator cuff while cutting gator board with a knife too many times. I strongly advise using an electric saw when you have to cut gator board! It's...

Monday, August 9, 2021

Dirt for Miniatures

Today I will be sharing how to make faux dirt in miniature. There are so many ways to do this in the diorama world and many products you can use. As always, I opted to use what I have in my magical basement. One of my friends is fascinated with my basement and all the materials...

Monday, August 2, 2021

Timber Cabin has lights!

Here are a few fun photos showing the Timber Cabin with the lights on! I made a secret door to get to the controls. It is secured by a magnet and will have the same wood treatment as the all the sides of the base. I will share some photos of it finished in a future post. I...

Farm House published in American Miniaturist

 I am very honored to have my 1930s Farm House (scratch build) in two issues of American Miniaturist! (AM218-219) I made the cover! Thank you Ashdown. Pick up your copies at